Travel Safety Tips

Turn on the news, and there is bound to be something scary about travels gone wrong. We are here to help you avoid traveling mishaps and keep you as safe as possible after your shuttle Houston airport ride. So let’s dive into some of our favorite travel safety tips and tricks to keep you and your loved ones safe and sound on your trip.

1. Travel with the right bag.
While you are on your shuttle from Houston Airport to Galveston, you can rest assured that your luggage will be cared for with utmost precaution. But we are talking about the bags/purses you carry. Think about when you are walking down the street. Wearing a bag that can be close to your person and hard to be separated from is your best choice. Crossbody bags are excellent because they are hard for anyone to try and grab out of your hands. While it’s not a fun topic to think about, it is worth being prepared for!

2. Keep digital copies of important documents. While you never want to think about what could happen if your essential documents, such as your passport, are misplaced or stolen, it’s best to be prepared. Keeping digital copies of these documents can help you in the process of replacing them and helping to prove your identity. We suggest researching backup plans and the best ways to protect your identity before you embark on your trip.

3. Use reputable transportation companies. Choosing a reputable shuttle service is a great way to protect yourself and your loved ones while traveling. A professional service has staff that is thoroughly trained and licensed to be able to transport travelers safely and effectively.

4. Check in with friends and family regularly. This may seem like a hassle and something you want to get away from on vacation. But checking in regularly after you step off your shuttle from Houston airport is a great way to keep you safe. You never want to think about something terrible happening, but if something were to happen, your friends and family would have a starting point! It’s a great way to ensure you will get the help you need when you need it.

5. Be aware of your surroundings. This is a great tip, even for traveling to the grocery store. In this day and age, being aware of your surroundings has never been more critical. It’s ok to let loose, relax, and have a good time, but you first need to take stock of where you are, what’s going on, and what kind of people are around you. Offenders often look for travelers who are distracted or disengaged from their surroundings. When you have your guard up, you are more apt to avoid danger before it strikes.

6. Trust your instincts. If someone or something makes you uncomfortable, it’s time to leave. This would be a great time to check in with a friend or family member and inform them where you are and what is happening. Describe what the person looks like and why you feel uncomfortable. Our gut instincts activate for a reason, and it’s important not to ignore them. If you are with a companion, make sure you stay together. There is power in numbers!

7. Blend In. If you are off the boat and wandering through a marketplace, try to blend in with the people around you. If you are dressed to the nines and decked out in valuables and loads of cash, you are setting yourself up to be a big target. Scammers are always looking for folks who scream “tourist” because they are typically the most susceptible and vulnerable. Keep your wits about you, and if something feels or sounds like a scam, it probably is one. Even if you are unsure where you are going, walk like you have a purpose and have walked that road a million times. It will help keep you from getting taken advantage of.

Also, while money belts sound like a great idea, sometimes they have a way of backfiring. If you are wearing something that is trying to protect your valuables, you are shouting that you are carrying a lot of money. This can cause you to be a magnet to every scammer, merchant, and pickpocket in the area. So be smart and try to dress appropriately touristy.

8. Know the phone number for emergency services. Before you leave for your destination and board your shuttle from Houston airport, we suggest researching the emergency services numbers for the area you will be traveling to and saving them on your phone. It would also be a good idea to give those numbers to your designated “check-in” person!

9. Drink responsibly. It can be extremely easy to get a little carried away while on vacation, which is another reason to book a private shuttle service. With a personal shuttle service, you can relax and cut loose while not worrying about driving yourself back to your lodgings. 

Irresponsible drinking can also lead you into dangerous situations. For example, I was getting lost and winding up in unsafe neighborhoods or alleyways while under the influence is much easier. And being noticeably intoxicated can make you a target for robberies, assaults, or scammers.

Also, ladies, always remember the rules of keeping your eyes on your drinks. It’s best not to be out partying alone at any time, and you need to remain aware of your surroundings at all times.

10. Be smart with your money. Keep your cash and cards in a safe place at all times. It’s a good idea to bring your own locks for your bags as an extra layer of protection. Don’t use ATMs at night; try to retrieve the cash you need during the day when there are more people around so you lessen the risk of being a target.

11. Keep travel plans to yourself when talking to new people. We are all about getting to know new people while traveling. However, some details really don’t need to be shared. And that would be your itinerary and accommodations details. Sharing too much with strangers can open you up to a world of not-so-good possibilities.

12. Ask your hotel manager or cruise ship staff for advice. Before you set off to explore the area, ask the manager or a professional staff member who knows the area well about the safe places and the more “seedier” locations in town. They can offer excellent advice and keep you from winding up someplace you’d rather not be!

 Local professionals will also be aware of the common scams in that area. In highly concentrated touristy areas, thieves typically have a pattern or a favorite scheme that tends to work on unsuspecting travelers. Ask around or do your research before arriving so that you can be on the lookout and avoid being taken advantage of.

13. If you are mugged, don’t fight back. As hard as it may sound just to let a robber walk away with your valuables or cash, it is a lot easier to do that than to sustain significant injuries. Instead, calmly let them take what they are asking for while trying to take note of their physical descriptors. You can always head to the authorities after an event to give a description and try to redeem your valuables.

14. Always have an exit plan. No matter where you are, have an exit strategy in an emergency. For example, if you feel uncomfortable and need to make a quick exit, it’s better to have one in mind than to think about it during a highly emotional situation.

We love traveling and want you to have the best time of your life on your vacation! This travel and safety tips list ensure everyone is aware of traveling to new destinations. Instead, we want you to travel safely and travel smart to help avoid any tragic situations. Unfortunately, there are unfortunate possibilities that can significantly affect your life while traveling. However, when you are informed and prepared, you will make better decisions and be able to avoid incidents.