Our Best Travel Hacks

With inflation on the rise and the cost of everything more expensive than ever, traveling may seem like it’s out of the question and the budget. Lucky for you, we have compiled some of our best travel hacks to help you save money and travel well! We have tips for before and after your shuttle at Houston airport to ensure you have the trip of a lifetime!

Packing One Suitcase

Packing one suitcase can keep you within the fee-free limits that airlines and shuttle services have. But how can chronic over packers possibly stick to just one checked bag? We recommend rolling your clothing! This fantastic and easy method not only creates more space in your luggage but it also helps with wrinkles! The only thing you will need to worry about is sticking to the weight limit requirements.

Bring An Empty Water Bottle

If you are human, you get thirsty. But water and containers of liquid are not allowed past the airport security check point, right? How about saving yourself the dreadful price of airport water by packing an empty water bottle in your carry-on! Once you pass security, you can fill up your bottle at the closest water fountain and quench your thirst!

Use A Shuttle Service

Choosing to forgo a taxi, Uber, or Lyft is a great way to save money and increase your peace of mind! When you start your trip by taking a shuttle from Houston airport or any other airport, you can safely stay with your group with an experienced driver and remain relaxed without worrying about directions or traffic.



Don’t Go Into Debt

Not going into debt for a trip is a huge win. It will be tough to relax or enjoy yourself if you know you are heading home to a wall of payments. Suppose you can’t afford your dream vacation this year, that’s ok! Look into something smaller or closer to home, and keep saving for your big trip. Trust us, and it’s not worth going into debt for a vacation. There are plenty of things to do within budget and still have fun. You can even factor in a shuttle service, so you don’t have to worry about driving!

Eat Lunch!

Ok, so what does eating lunch have to do with saving money? If you love the fine dining experience but can’t quite justify the cost, then just dine out for a large lunch! Most restaurants offer lunch menus at reduced cost, and you can still have some of the house favorites! You can get the same experience at a reduced price. Win-win right? And if you have a large lunch, all you will need is a light dinner to get you through the night.

Wear Sunscreen

Whether you are lying out on the beach, exploring the streets, or museum hopping, you won’t regret a layer of sunscreen. Having a sunburn can ruin a vacation in an instant. Even if you don’t think you need it, it doesn't hurt to protect yourself for just-in-case scenarios. You want to avoid investing in new clothes because your shoulders just can’t handle the sun or buying buckets of aloe.

Be Flexible

Even the best researchers have found that sometimes not all information is up to date. While you may have checked out prices online before your trip and attractions looked affordable, you may find that when you arrive at your destination, that information wasn't accurate and the cost is vastly more expensive than planned. If this is the case, ask locals about similar attractions that are less costly.

Travel With A Basic First-Aid Kit

Traveling with a first-aid kit will help cover any unplanned mishaps that may occur on your trip. Make sure you have band-aids, pain relief meds, cough drops, motion sickness tablets, and stomach pills. Having these items on hand will assist you, your kids, or traveling buddies in a small emergency.

Check The Forecast Before The Trip

By checking the weather forecast before your trip, you will be able to pack lighter and wiser. When you know the temperatures and chances of rain or snow before you get to your destination, you’ll know whether or not to pack a jacket, an umbrella, or extra jeans. Packing wisely can allow more room in your luggage and be less overwhelming when unpacking!

Know The Emergency Services Numbers In The Area

Knowing the emergency numbers for the destination you will be visiting is a great way to keep yourself safe and provide peace of mind. Saving these numbers in your phone will provide easy access in an emergency and allow help to get to you quickly.


Keep Digital Images Of Important Documents

Keeping digital copies of your important documents is a great idea. Why? Because even though you may be the most careful person on the planet, unfortunate events can occur. If you misplace your documents or they happen to be stolen, these digital copies are an excellent back up to help protect your identity and aid you in the recovery process.


Use ATMs and Cash Machines To Exchange Local Currency

Bypass the kiosks conviently located throughout the airport who offer currency exchange. These booths can often come with hefty rates and fees. Often times your bank will offer much cheaper rates when it comes to exchanging your currency. As always, research your banks policies before heading out on your trip.


Pack Your Own Snacks

A great way to save money on food while you are vacationing is packing your own snacks. It’s so easy to blow the budget one small snack at time just while you are walking down the street. You can avoid the hotel vending machines and street vendors by packing your favorite trail mix or granola bars. If you are wanting something fun, try packing some new snacks that you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t alongside your old favorites. This is a great way to save your money and still have a full belly.


Shop At Local Grocery Stores

Another favorite way to still eat local cuisine but save your money is to shop at local grocery stores. Consider researching some local favorite recipes before your trip and buying the ingredients fresh when you arrive. This is a fun and clever way to try new foods and have a cultural experience at the same time!